[PICTURES] 120922 - Minhyun at The 6th Green Ribbon Marathon Festival

Cr : huangminyeon

[PICTURES] 120922 - Ren at The 6th Green Ribbon Marathon Festival

Cr : Sweetdream

[PICTURES] 120922 - Aron at The 6th Green Ribbon Marathon Festival

Cr : Amazing

[TWITTER] 120923 - NUESTNEWS's tweet

@NUESTNEWS 지금 이곳은 경주! 리허설대기중인 뉴이스트의 리더JR과 맏형 아론군 깜찍 V포즈대결! 여러분의선택을 멘션으로보내주쎄요! 선택받은 멤버의 셀카를 특별공개! 리더냐 맏형이냐! 러브들의선택은?^^♥

Trans by thenuest : Now, here is in Kyeongju! NU'EST's leader and oldest Aron cute 'V' pose battle in midst of waiting for rehearsal ! Please send your choice with mention! I will reveal selca of the most choosen member! Leader or Oldest hyung! LOVEs decision is?^^♥