[PICTURE] 121109 - LOEN Official goods (calendar + DVD)

Cr : Fiingy

[VIDEOS] 121108 - JJANG Episod 13 with NU'EST and more

[VIDEO] 121108 - MVTKPOP20 Episod 51 with Minhyun and Baekho

Cr : Fiingy1

[TWITTER] 121109 - @ChoiGoRen (Ren)'s update

@ChoirGoRen : 하이루다들머하낳ㅎㅎ이사진이너무맘에들길래올려보아요 ㅎㅎ팔이없게나왓으무니다 전지금녹음중이지요ㅋㅋ다들나중에볼까?말까?

Trans by thenuest : Hello everyone what are you doing ㅎㅎI really like this picture so I uploaded ㅎㅎIt came out like I don't have arm. I'm in midst of recording now ㅋㅋEveryone should you see it later?or not?