[FANCAFE] 121207 - JR's love letter

안녕 우리러브들~ 오늘 녹음하러왔는데요~~~ 빨리 얼른 앨범 준비해서 팬 여러분들께 보여드리기 위해!!!!!!!!!! 열심히 녹음하고 있어요~ 우리 기다리는거 지루하실까봐 .. 백호가 먼저 사진한장올려서!!… 저도 우리러브들을 위해서 사진 한장 올리고 녹음하러갈게요 ~~ 제 사진보시고 좋은꿈 꾸세요 ~~

Trans by neweast-l0ve: Hello Everybody~ Today I went to the recording. I want to get the album ready fast, to show it to the fans!! (We’re) working hard and doing the recording! Waiting for us would be boring~~ Baekho was the first who uploaded a single photo. I also uploaded a photo for our L.O.Λ.Es, when I was ready to go to the recording! See my photo and have nice dreams~~