[FANCAMS] 130128 - Ren at MBC Idol Star Athletics Championship

Please take out with the full credit (+ via us) also do not re up the videos.

Cr : KAI ROMANTIC | via : 2MINmadden 

from 1:20 till the end

[PICTURES] 130129 - JR, Aron, Baekho and Minhyun at MBC Idol Star Athletics Championship

[PICTURES] 130126 - Minhyun & Baekho at Beat Connection

[PICTURES] 130126 - NU'EST during Hanryu Pia Magazine Interview

[VIDEO] 130130 - NU'EST is talking about their upcoming concert in Japan

Cr : fukumarunet | via : LOVEprojectJPN

[TWITTER] 130130 - @NUESTNEWS tweets with MinBaekRon teasers

(D-day 14) 2013.02.13 NU'EST 2nd Mini Album 'Photo Teaser –BAEKHO’


[ME2DAY] 130124 - Baekho's update

안무팀 형이 우리 로고 나침판을 팔에 새겼다 감동! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 우리한테 뼈를묻으실것같다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뉴이스트화이팅!!!

Translation by thenuest : Dancer Team hyung has our compass logo on the arm. Touched! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It feels like he's giving a bone to usㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ NU'EST hwaiting!!!


[PICTURES] 130123 - NU'EST at "Berlin" VIP Premiere

Cr : 엑스포즈뉴스

[TWITTER] 130123 - @NUESTNEWS tweet about their first concert

뉴이스트 2nd 미니앨범 발매 기념 단독 미니콘서트 안내

- 공연일정: 2013년 2월 13일 (수)
- 공연시간: 오후 7시 (예정)
- 공연장소: 인터파크 아트센터 
(장소 및 시간은 변경 될 수 있습니다.)
- 공연금액: 45,000 (vat.포함)

이날 열리는 미니 콘서트에서는 뉴이스트 2nd 미니앨범 수록 곡 최초 공개 무대 및 첫 콘서트를 위한 스페셜 무대로 구성되며 공연 좌석 입금에 대한 일정 및 공연에 대한 자세한 정보는 추후 재 공지 예정입니다.

뉴이스트의 첫 단독 콘서트에 많은 기대 부탁드립니다 ^^

[VIDEO] 130123 - Behind the Scenes : Pledis Family photoshoot for Cosmopolitan

Cr : TypeVEE


[PICTURES] 130122 - NU'EST during the chatting session on ME2DAY

[TWITTER] 130122 - Compilations of @NUESTNEWS & @ChoiGoRen tweets

ChoiGoRen :

1. 더 어렵게 내어주겠어요 크큭!
Trans by thenuest : I will give the more difficult one 크큭!

2. ㅇㅊㅅㅊㄹㅊㅁㅈㅅㄴㄹㅋㄷㅋㅁㄹㄸ(-2)

3. 정답이업스므니당~ 쉰난다 ㅎㅎ힌트는 -2가 왜 있을지 생각해보아요 그래야 내맘이 보일끄야아 러브님들 화팅:) 
Trans by thenuest : There's no correct answer~ exciting ㅎㅎThe hint is.. try to think why there is '-2'. You do that, and you will see my heart. L.O.V.Es-nim Hwaiting :)

4. 연습하거있어요 아직 안잘끠~참...EISO는 접은것처럼 뒤집으면 0513...이였어요 다풀어서나온날은?? 으흣~ 눈치 백구백 러브님들은 알꺼에여 그리고 오늘꺼능 날짜아니그 2를 좌표로생각해서이동시켜봐여 에잉~다알려줘버렸다 그리고 다들자여~자고풀어요~

연습하거있어요 아직 안잘끠~참...EISO는 접어 뒤집으면 0513..이였어요 풀어서나온날은?? 으흣~ 눈치 백구단 러브님들은 알꺼야~ 그리고 오늘꺼능 날짜아니고 2를 좌표로생각해서이동시켜봐여 그리고 어여자요 어두움그림자가 눈밑으로 다가오고있다구요!!


[PLEDIS NEWS / NU'EST] "Happy Birthday to you" Rehearsal!!

[ME2DAY] 130122 - Baekho's update


Trans by thenuest : Hihihi today was fun!!!!!!!!!!!Bbyong★ (Tag:L.O.ㅅ.E-ya wait for a little bit more~~~~~~)

[SCANS] 130122 - NU'EST on Haru*Hana magazine


[VIDEO] 130121 - NU'EST on 韓ラブ(han love) program (TV)

[TWITTER] 130121 - Compilations of @NUESTNEWS & @ChoiGoRen tweets



민현이의 베스트컷을 찾아라!! 같은사진이 절대 아니라는 저엄!! 미묘하게 달라요~ 고민에 빠진 민현군을 위해 총 세장의 사진 중 베스트 사진을 골라주세요!

Trans by thenuest :  Find Minhyun's best cut!! These 3 are different pics!!
It's subtly different~ Choose one best photo out of three for Minhyun who's confused!


민현군의 베스트컷 의견이 나뉘어지네요. 그렇다면! "민현이의 베스트컷을 찾아라!!" 두번째 Ver. 자아~~이번에는 어때요? 쉽지만은 않을껄요~

Trans by thenuest : Various opinion of Minhyun's Best Cut. Then! "Find Minhyun's Best Cut!!" 2nd Ver. Now~~What do you think about this? It won't be easy~

3. 자아 다들 고르셨어요? 민현이가 고른 베스트컷도 곧 공개해드릴께요. "너희생각 우리생각 똑같아~" 신화 민우선배님의 말씀처럼 우리 생각 똑같길~~ 텔레파시 텔레파시!!! 받고있나요!!

Trans by thenuest : Now have you choose? We'll reveal Best Cut choosen by Minhyun in a moment. "What you think, What we think are the same~" We hope that what we think are the same just like Shinhwa Minwoo Senior word~~ telepathy telepathy !!! Did you receive it!!

4. [민현] 난 황미녀니까 세개 다 이쁨! ㅋㅋ

Trans by thenuest : [Minhyun] Because I'm Hwang Minyeo, all of it are pretty! ㅋㅋ

5. [민현] ㅋㅋ 연습하느라 잠을 못자서 제가 이래요 못난사진도 다 이쁘다 잘생겼다 해줘서 고맙습니다 역시 우리 러브들뿐인고다!! 참! 글보니 오늘생일이신분들있던데 17분 남았지만 추카추카츄!!

Trans by thenuest : [Minhyun] ㅋㅋ I'm being like this because I was practicing and couldn't sleep.
All ugly pictures are pretty as well. Thank you for telling me I'm good looking. Indeed, I only have L.O.ㅅ.Es!!
Well! There are people who's celebrating their birthday today. Even if only 17 minutes left, Happy birthday!!


[VIDEO] 130117 - NU'EST SMASH HITS (Q&A) - Ren


[TWITTER] 130117 - @ChoiGoRen & @NUESTNEWS updates

@ChoiGoRen : 러브들 오늘너무감동받았구 고생많으셨어요^^ 우리뉴이스트이름으로연탄기부정말감사합니다. 러브들을위해 꼭멋진무대로보답하겠습니다. 이런기회가많았으면좋겠네요^^ 감기조심하시구 일찍들어가세요

Translation by thenuest : L.O.ㅅ.Es I'm so touched today, you've been working hard^^ Thank you so much for donating briquette charcoal by NU'EST name. We'll show up a cool vibe on stage for L.O.ㅅ.Es. It'll be good if there's more opportunity like this^^ Be careful of cold and go home early

@ChoiGoRen : 전우치쨩!! || JeonWooChi Jjang!!

[PICTURES] 130117 - CeCi Feb 2013 : Mr. Valentine Booklet

[FANCAFE] 130118 - Love Letter from Minhyun

기억에 남을 즐거운 하루였다.
 Translation : It was a memorable good and funny day.


[CAPTURES] 130116 - Baekho & Ren on Jeonwoochi

Cr : Vienna Soul 

[ME2DAY] 130116 - Baekho's update

우리러브분들 눈 똥그랗게 뜨고 잘 보세요! 한번만 말씀드릴께요 오늘 10시 전우치! 꼭! 무조건! 본방사수!!길게 말 안할께용^^ 뿅♥

Trans by thenuest : Our L.O.ㅅ.Es, watch with eyes wide open! I'll tell you once again, today at 10PM Jeonwoochi! Must! Must! Watch the broadcasting!! I won't tell much^^ Bbyong♥

[TWITTER] 130116 - @ChoiGoRen update

러브들 저감기회복했어요^^러브들이 걱정해주시니까 금방회복하더라구요..역시 마음으로 치료가되는구나......러브들은 아프지않기 눈오던데 후다닥잘피해다니세요 ^^ Halooooo ouuuu Halooooo ouuuu~

Trans by thenuest : L.O.ㅅ.Es I recovered from cold^^L.O.ㅅ.Es are worried, so I immediately recovers..Indeed, heart can cure me......L.O.ㅅ.Es don't be sick, it's snowing so be careful ^^ Halooooo ouuuu Halooooo ouuuu~

러브들 오늘 전우치 꼭!보세요^^
Trans by Nuest_ID : L.O.Λ.Es, today is Jeon woo chi drama! Please watching^^


[VIDEO] 130115 - Smash Hits : JR is answering some questions


[TWITTER] 130115 - @NUESTNEWS update

 녹음이 있던 날, 감기로 고생하던 렌의 손에 써져 있던 글 “할수있다! 파이팅 최REN!” ㅠ_ㅠ.... 아픈 스스로에게 주문을 걸며 끝까지 최선을 다한 REN에게 박수!!

Trans by thenuest : On the day of recording, The message that written on Ren's hand who's suffering from flu “You can do it! Fighting Choi REN!”  ㅠ_ㅠ.... Applause for Ren who cast a spell to himself while doing his best!!


[TWITTER] 130114 - @ChoiGoRen (Ren)'s update

러브들 /  L.O.ㅅ.Es

그래요 러브님말예요! / Yes, I'm talking about L.O.ㅅ.Es-nim! (trans by thenuest)

심시매이ㅣㅣ잉 / I'm bored (trans by thenuest)

in reply to Senajae_515 : 잭..좩.... / Jack .. Jack .. (Jack is the main character is Titanic *the movie*)

우리러브들모두화이팅!! 믿어요 / All of our L.O.ㅅ.Es Hwaiting!! I trust you (trans by thenuest)


[TWITTER] 130110 - Compilations of JR's tweets (@NUESTNEWS)

[JR] 커피마시고싶다...우리커피마실까? 올려나? 올래요? 오면 쏜다!!
Trans by thenuest : [JR] I want to drink coffee..Should we drink a coffee? Would you come? Will you come? If you come, I will treat you!!

[JR] 콜콜!! 지이이인짜 올꺼죠????? 핫초코도 콜!! 쌍화차도, 커피도 콜콜!! 장소는...으암~~~ 잠만요!!
Trans by thenuest :  Call call!! You will come for reeeeaaaalll right?????
Hot Choco too, Call!! I want to drink Ssanghwa tea too, and also coffee call call!!
About place...Uhm~~~ Please wait!!

[JR] 녹음하러 사무실 가는길이니까, 그럼 사무실 근처에서 한시간쯤 뒤에? 정확한 장소는 있다가 다시! 오늘은 쩨알이가 쏩니다 ㅎㅎ
Trans by thenuest : [JR] I'm going to office for recording, then near office in an hour? For exact place, I will tell you later! JR will treat you today ㅎㅎ

[JR] 사무실은 강남에 있어요. 우리회사위치 모를려나;;; 혼자는 그러니까 LA살았던형ㅎㅎ 데리고 갈께요. 온다 그러고 안오면 운다. 진짜.
Trans by thenuest : [JR] The office is in Kangnam. Don't you know about our company location;;; Because if I go alone will be kinda (uncomfortable), I will bringㅎㅎ hyung who lived in LA. If you said you will come but you actually won't, I'll cry. really.

[VIDEO] 130110 - Not Over You (Smash Hits)



[TWITTER] 130109 - @Ryeong9's update

@ryeong9 창가 정리하다가 찍은 사진.. 디제이 하면서 만난 인연들~~ ^^ 슈키라 하면서 '참 많은 사람들을 만났구나' 하는 생각이~~ 2013년도 화이팅~!!! 캬캬 

Trans by fashienara : photo was taken before cleaning up the window.. so many artists have come and given their albums after visiting SUKIRA.~~ 2013 fighting~!!! kya kya

As you can see, there is 'FACE' (I surrounded it ^^)

[ME2DAY] 130109 - Baekho's update

우리 채팅합시다!!!!!!!얼른얼른응모고고고!!!!!! 우리컴백스포알려줄지도모르니까이날채팅에꼭당첨되야해요!!!!!!!!뿅★ me2.do/54APJpx

Trans by thenuest : Let's have a chat!!!!!!!Go go go register quickly!!!!!! We might give a comeback spoiler, so you have to get chosen in this event!!!!!!!!Bbyong★


[TWITTER] 130108 - @chHELLOVENUS's update with Aron

@chHELLOVENUS : [오늘뭐해] 오늘은 쒼나고 재미있는 화보촬영~^0^ 저녁식사 꼭꼭챙겨드시고 내일부턴 다시 추워진다니까 따뜻하게 입고다니세요~♥

Translation by thenuest : [What are you doing today] We have an exciting and fun pictorial photoshoot today~^0^ (You) must eat dinner,and because (the weather) will be chilly again starting tomorrow, dress warmly~

[VIDEO] 130108 - SMASH HITS featured 'ACTION' music video


[EVENT] 130108 - ME2DAY Chatting Event with NU'EST

Cr : thenuest

[CAPTURE] 13018 - Baekho's me2day link on the new layout